Frequently Asked Questions

  • lternative Treatments (1st session is complimentary)
  • Family Therapy
  • Medication
  • Medical and hospital visits
  • Therapeutic recreational activities like sightseeing in Montreal and riding are not covered; however, when there is a cost clients are not obligated to participate.  Fortunately, many of our therapeutic recreational activities are complimentary


  • Gym Clothes (especially appropriate gym shoes)
  • Seasonal Sports Clothes/Equipment: non-revealing bathing suit, skates, skis
  • Seasonal wear: Spring & Autumn light warm jacket; Summer light jacket; and winter, very warm jacket with a hood, gloves & scarf, insulated boots and slippers for indoors.
  • Sweat Lodge Therapy: Women – bring a comfortable, lightweight long skirt (e.g., sarong) and a tank top.  Men can bring shorts.  This outfit is worn all year round in the sweat lodge.

Personal Items

  • Heritage Treatment Foundation is not responsible for lost or stolen items.  The rooms are not locked; however, if a client chooses he or she can leave items in the office for security purposes.  The safety of these items is guaranteed.  Issues of theft are not a problem at Heritage but problems can occur; please be mindful of what you choose to bring.
  • Clients are encouraged to bring some family pictures (from childhood to adulthood) as they can be used as a therapeutic tool.
  • Clients can bring music equipment (e.g., stereo, MP3 player, instruments); however, they must use these things appropriately.

Cell-phone and Computer friendly Addiction Treatment

Our policy towards the use of cellular phones, and computers is quite liberal for a rehab.
Many treatment centers do not allow them. We on the other hand recognize that many
people are extremely connected electronically, and it is an important part of their daily lives.
Accordingly, our policy is to only limit access to computers or cell phones for the first week.
After one week patients are able to use their cellular phones and computers in the evenings
between 5:00 pm and 10:00 pm. 

To accommodate this we have high-speed internet and WiFi in each room. Patients however should keep in mind that the purpose of attending residential treatment is to temporarily set aside all other matters as much as possible, and focus their time and energy on making a breakthrough in overcoming their addictive behavior, and on achieving some healing and resolution to their problems. 

This requires making lasting and substantial changes in one’s thinking and entire approach to life. These are not easy things to do and accomplish. It does require courage effort and commitment, and to achieve this it often helps to limit outside influences to some degree. By coming into treatment you are investing time and money and hope for a better tomorrow, and focusing on recovery will make that possible. Here are our guidelines for cell phone and computer use.

  • For the first 7 days, we ask that there be no cell phone internet or computer use except for
    emergency matters.
  • After 7 days phones and computers can be used in the evenings between 5:00 pm and
    10:00 pm.
  • In issues of business needs or critical family issues a phone and computer can be kept in a
    resident’s room at all times EG we had an attorney in treatment who needed to be available
    for his law partners for brief consultations at various times during the day when there was a
    recess in the trial. This gentleman kept his phone and laptop in his room using it judiciously
    when needed to offer guidance to his law partners. In another instance, we had a lady with a
    family member in palliative care and she spoke to her at various times during the day when
    the person in palliative care felt better and was well enough to have a conversation.


  • Clients can bring their laptops as we have a wireless internet connection.  However, clients are not permitted to use the office computers unless it is a part of their clinical needs and a staff member is with them.
  • Clients have access to computers in town for a fee; a staff member will accompany them.


  • Clients must keep their wallets, identity cards, and money in the office.  When a client needs to make a purchase, he or she will be given money and accompanied to the store by a staff member.  When the client returns to the Centre, the purchase is searched and the remaining money is returned.
  • The amount of money a client needs depends on the cost of their items.  Also, clients will have an opportunity to participate in outings or recreational activities that require payment.  Some of the activities are covered by Heritage, and clients are not required to participate in cost-related outings.
  • Clients are able to spend some of their leisure for going to the salon, getting a massage, etc; however, all appointments need to be approved by a staff member.  Also, the secretary will schedule the appointment, and the appointment cannot occur during any therapy session.
  • Visits: Clients will be able to receive medical attention if requested or needed.  Canadian clients need to bring their Medicare/health card in order not to pay for the visit.  If they do not have a Medicare/health card, clients will have to pay, but can be reimbursed by their province.  American or international clients need to pay for their visits and any tests they require.
  • Prescription Medication: Regular medication will be provided to out-of-province clients as the pharmacists or doctors can make the necessary inquiries.  However, controlled substances need to be prescribed by a medical doctor from Quebec.
  • Clients who are interested in having family members visit need to have approval from the staff member on the shift for that day; visits are not permitted during any therapy session.  Generally, visiting hours are Saturday and Sunday from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.  Clients who want to go on an outing with a family member need to have been in treatment for at least 3 weeks or obtain approval from a staff member.
  • Clients are not permitted visits by anyone within the first week of therapy unless it is during a scheduled counseling session.