Alcohol Addiction

At Heritage Treatment Foundation we use a Holistic approach to alcohol addiction recovery


Alcohol – Description


Alcohol affects the central nervous system in similar ways to other depressant drugs, producing relaxation and disinhibition at low doses, while at higher doses, producing intoxication, impaired judgment and coordination, and at very high doses, coma, and death.

Short-Term Effects

Alcohol affects the central nervous system in proportion to the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. The usual effects of small doses are euphoria, drowsiness, dizziness, flushing, release of inhibitions and tension. Larger doses produce slurred speech, staggering, double vision, and stupor. Alcohol, even in fairly low doses, impairs driving or the operation of complex machinery. In combination with other drugs, small doses of alcohol may produce exaggerated effects. A “hangover” with headache, nausea, shakiness, and vomiting may begin 8 to 12 hours after a period of excessive drinking. Very large doses can cause death by blocking the brain’s control over respiration.

Long-Term Effects

Regular consumption of more than two drinks a day may gradually bring about liver damage, brain damage, heart disease, certain types of cancer, blackouts (loss of memory), impotence, reproductive problems, ulcers, and disorders of the pancreas. Chronic heavy use may result in disruptions to the drinker’s social, family, and working life. Consumption of alcohol during pregnancy may result in babies with alcohol-related pre- and postnatal development and growth delays, learning and behavioral disorders, and other CNS problems and physical abnormalities. Since there is no definite information regarding a safe quantity of alcohol use during pregnancy, the prudent choice for women who are or may become pregnant is to abstain from alcohol.

Tolerance and Dependence

Regular use induces tolerance, making increased doses necessary to produce the desired effect. In the case of chronic use, people may drink steadily without appearing to get drunk. Their condition may go unrecognized, even by themselves for some time. Chronic drinkers are likely to become physically and psychologically dependent.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms may range from jumpiness, sleeplessness, sweating, nausea, and vomiting, to tremors, seizures, hallucinations, and even death.